I was at my house when a charmeleon was evolving into a charizard.Then I battled it with Blastiose.I told Blastiose to use hydro pump but charizard hit it with its tail and used body slam.Blastiose fainted.
(The Next Day)
I Saw Charizard again the next Day.I sent out Blastiose,Apiom,and Umbreon.I told blastiose to use skull bash.Charizard grabed blastiose and threw him to China.Some guy said,"Kanichiwa loser pokemon." Blastiose ate him.then i asked umbreon to use dark beam. On charizard
his hp is7. Go pokeball
(The Next Day)
I was looking for Chaizard and I couldn't find him.Because he broke out of his pokeball and then i saw him flying in the air.So i sent out umbreon
and said umbreon use dark beam and i said go pokeball and i caught it
the end.